Little Journey - Reddo
产品标签: 医疗支持儿童心理虚拟现实减轻焦虑家庭服务
产品概述: Little Journey 是一款针对儿童及其家庭的应用,通过提供个性化的互动内容来心理准备和支持用户,从而在医疗互动中减少焦虑并改善健康结果。该平台适用于临床试验、医院以及直接服务患者和家庭,帮助他们在医疗过程中更顺利地应对各种挑战。
价格: 6.79 $
描述: 当前价格: $6.79
价格: 14.69 $
描述: 当前价格: $14.69; 100片
- Reducing anxiety in children through virtual reality with Little Journey
- Little Journey app offers reassurance for kids in hospital - BBC
- Little Journey - Google Play 上的应用
- Little Journey - Health Innovation East
- Little Journey - NHS Innovation Accelerator
- Johnson's Baby supports 'Little Journey' app for CHI at Temple Street
用户反馈显示,'Little Journey' 应用有效帮助家长和儿童为手术做好心理准备,特别是在NICU中的婴儿护理方面,用户认为其提供的虚拟游览和指导功能有助于减轻儿童的焦虑情绪。
评分: 0
评论: Little Journey helps you and your child prepare for surgery before you get into the hospital.
评分: 0
评论: We are pleased to share that the 'Little Journey' app has been launched to support parents of infants being cared for within NICU at the L&D!
评分: 0
评论: We've launched the 'Little Journey' app, to support children in hospital. The app includes virtual tours of the Children's Unit, guidance ...
日期: 2024-11-18
描述: Little Journey获得600万英镑的A轮融资,旨在重新定义全球儿童医疗服务的交付方式。
日期: 2022-02-21
描述: Little Journey获得150万英镑的融资,以支持其国际业务扩展。
团队名称: Little Journey
团队简介: Little Journey 是一款针对儿童及其家庭的应用,通过提供个性化的互动内容来心理准备和支持用户,从而在医疗互动中减少焦虑并改善健康结果。