- Reddo
产品标签: 搜索引擎人工智能助手推荐系统
产品概述: 是一个个性化的 AI 搜索引擎和聊天助手,结合先进的语言模型和实时网络访问,提供定制化的搜索响应和推荐,旨在提升用户的工作效率与生产力。

价格: 0 $
描述: 个人账户; 无限查询; 有限访问智能代理; 有限访问所有AI模型,包括GPT-4和Claude 3.5 Sonnet; 每日三次查询高级AI代理和模型
价格: 15 $
描述: 无限查询; 无限访问智能代理; 扩展访问所有AI模型; 每查询25MB文件上传
价格: 25 $
描述: 无限查询; 无限访问智能代理; 无限访问所有AI模型; 每查询50MB文件上传; 创建和分享自定义代理
价格: 0 $
描述: 联系销售获取价格; 包括所有团队计划的权益; 优先支持; 定制安全审查
用户对 的反馈呈现出以下趋势:其搜索引擎功能强大且用户友好,Pro版和Chrome扩展特别受到好评。然而,部分用户对付费模式及广告宣传的不实之处表示不满。此外,生成代码功能虽有改进但仍存在漏洞,影响用户体验。
评分: 0
评论: Great search engine but misleading advertising. They claim you get 5 free searches per day but after a while it won't let you search for free and you are forced to get the premium version and if you have the funds is well worth it but they shouldn't lie to get you to pay for it. No complains besides that.
评分: 0
评论: I've been using for around 4 months. I tested the Pro version briefly, but reverted to the Free one since I discovered a more cost-effective tool with improved UI and UX. It's quite good, particularly the Chrome Extension, which proves to be very useful.
评分: 0
评论: As a paid product it's great, even on trial, you get 5 messages a day o fthe paid version and the prioduct speaks for itself, i love that! I was so impressed with the product that everyday at midnight i would wait for my 5 new questions to appear and i would be very selective about them... now i just pay them instead of chatGPT4... never again openAI!
评分: 0
评论: The most convenient and friendly search engine
评分: 0
评论: AI-Based Search engine which is good and the thing I like the most they listen to feedback there community. An integration of YouCode which help you generate code [which has a couple of bugs for now but it's better than starting from scratch.]
评分: 0
评论: Biased search results based on a diametric question set that allowed a heavy bias to be detected.
日期: 2024-09-04
描述: 完成了 5000万美元的 B轮融资,由 Georgian 领投,参与者包括 Salesforce Ventures、NVIDIA、Gen Digital、SBVA(前身为软银亚洲风险投资)、DuckDuckGo 和 Day One Ventures,使 的总融资额达到9900万美元。
日期: 2024-06-17
描述: 的母公司 SuSea Inc. 正在进行 5000万美元的 B轮融资,预计将使公司估值达到7亿到9亿美元。
日期: 2021-11
描述: 完成了 2500万美元的 A轮融资,并推出了 YouCode 产品。
团队简介: 开放式搜索引擎平台,服务各类用户,提供个性化搜索体验和多种 AI 工具。
姓名: Richard Socher
描述: Richard Socher是You.com的首席执行官,曾担任Salesforce的首席科学家,专注于人工智能和自然语言处理领域。
姓名: Johnson Liu
描述: Johnson Liu是You.com的首席技术官,拥有丰富的技术背景,曾在多家科技公司担任重要职务。
姓名: Daniel Rascon
描述: Daniel Rascon负责You.com的产品战略与开发,致力于提升用户体验和产品创新。
姓名: Bryan McCann
描述: Bryan McCann负责You.com的日常运营管理,确保公司高效运作。
姓名: Francesco Mosconi
描述: Francesco Mosconi负责You.com的市场营销策略,推动品牌知名度和用户增长。